VET Students:

VET students can see current timetables by course and group, using the group code that you have been given by your department.
Check current timetables by logging in with your student id and password at:

Please see the instructions here

William Angliss Institute has provided this service to allow you to access your class timetable information from the web.

1. Please check your group number for the next semester with your coordinator.
2. Before printing timetable select view, then text, then smallest font. Set up printer for landscape.
3. These are DRAFT timetables and may be subject to change.

If you do not know your group code, please contact your relevant Student Management Centre (SMC) to obtain your Student Group Code. If you do not know where your SMC is located, please visit this Where is my SMC located? page.

Higher Education Students:

eStudent for Higher Education Class Registration:

  • Registration Instructions here

is a quick and easy way to access your enrolment and course details. Currently, you can view your personal details; any units you are enrolled in and access your results.


To log onto eStudent
Type in your username and password

Your username is your student number – (Numbers only)

Last modified on Thursday, 13 February 2025 13:12